Course Description
Tuition: $30.00
A Sharp knife in the kitchen and in the woodshop is not only a pleasure to use, but much safer, too! Unfortunately, creating that perfect edge can be very difficult, especially when there is so much information out there about sharpening! In this workshop, join Woodworker and Survival Skills Instructor Ryan Johnson for a tutorial on all things sharp.
We’ll discuss the principles of sharpening, the chemistry of steel and how this knowledge helps us, and what materials to use and buy! Once we have built our background of understanding, we’ll use free hand techniques to sharpen our knives and receive hands on training.
What to Bring:
Layers for outdoor activity
Water and any snacks/ or dinner you may want
2-3 knives from your arsenal to practice your sharpening technique. If you don’t have any knives or don’t know what to bring, contact Ryan and he can bring extras for you
Japanese waterstones or other sharpening tools and materials, you are welcome to bring those as well.
Due to the high cost of materials and high level of coaching required for this course, class sizes will be small.
Please direct questions to the instructor :